Every customer in China is free to buy whatever car he wants to buy. It's a free market in this respect. We set the price in the market according to market demand and according to the competition in which we are. ' 他还说,中国的每一个顾客都可以买自己想买的车,从这个意义上讲,这是一个自由的市场,宝马根据市场需求和所处的竞争环境设定市场价格。
To her detractors she was the politician who put the free market above all else and who was willing to allow others to pay the price for her policies in terms of rising unemployment and social unrest. 在批评者眼中,她是一位视自由市场高于一切的政治家。针对上升的失业率和动荡不安的社会,她推出的政策却要别人来买单。
In a free market economy, demand and supply are key determinants of price, and price is always an important contributor to any profit-driven organisation. 在自由市场经济中,供需是决定价格的关键,而价格则对盈利机构贡献良多。
The theory of the free market suggests that the lower the price of a product, the bigger its potential market should be. 自由市场理论表明,产品的价格越低,它的潜在市场就应该越大。
Complete free market competition and the related balanced labor force price are nothing but theoretical abstract. 完全的自由市场竞争以及与此相联系的劳动力均衡价格只不过是理论意义上的抽象。
In a normal, free market, the seller is free to set whatever price he likes as his shop does not hold any monopoly over the market and has not coerced the customer into buying. 通常来说,自由市场,卖家有权力规定他想要销售的价格,当他的商店不涉及垄断农业不强迫用户购买时。
First, in a free market, competition establishes a price equilibrium that is perfectly efficient: demand equals supply and no resources are squandered. 首先,在一个自由的市场中,竞争建立起一种充分有效的价格均衡:需求与供给相等,不存在资源浪费。
Production value of the conversion price is the form of capitalism in the era of free competition, the production price is the market price fluctuations up and down the axis. 生产价格是价值的转化形式,在资本主义自由竞争时代,生产价格是市场价格上下波动的轴心。
Our petroleum industry features high monopoly by the government and the chaos of supervision, which will weaken the free market mechanism severely and make the refined oil price reformation which is a core part of the resource products price reformation difficult to continue. 我国的石油产业存在国家垄断性强、政企不分、监管混乱等弊端,这种政府对微观经济的过度干预会严重削弱市场竞争机制,使作为资源性产品价格改革重要环节的成品油价格改革难以为继。